Monday, September 27, 2010

Chocolate covered crispy treats

Delicious chocolate covered crispy treats. Yummy!!!!!!

Sleeping baby cupcakes

Cupcakes done for my baby shower. They were a big hit and very tasty as well. Pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Barbie cake

Barbie birthday cake for my daughter's 5th birthday. This will feed about 35-45 people.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Car cake

Pictured here is a Nascar themed fondant cake. This woould feed about 25 people.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Microphone cake

Here is a 3D cake done in the shape of a microphone for a young man's 17th birthday. Serving about 35 people it is done with American buttercream and royal icing details.

Cookie table

Seen here is a cookie table, a Northeast Ohio area wedding tradition. It is an assortment of cookies and pastries in addition to the wedding cake.

Raised flower design cake

This is a prictice cake decorated with raised flowers in American buttercream. Servings would be about 64.

Multi-color flower cupcakes

Flower cupcakes for my daughter's school bake sale. Done in American butterecream.

Character cookies

Iced and decirated character cookies both done for birthday parties.

Baby shower cookies

Iced and decorated cookies done for a baby shower and baby Christening.

Silver and white wedding cake

This is an all buttercream wedding cake done in silver and white. This would serve about 64 people.

Wedding cake

Pictured here are two wedding cakes done in all buttercream. This is actully one cake done with a design on each side of the cake. A cake of this size would feed about 200 people.

Character cake

Character cake for a fist birthday.

More diva cookies

More diva cookies done for Mother's Day surprises.

50th Anniversary

Iced and decorated cookies done for a 50th anniversary.

Diva cookies

These are what I call diva cookies. They were done for a definite diva at heart.

Chanel purse cake

This is a Chanel purse cake done for a young lady named Chanelle. She loved the purse so much that she didn't cut it and froze it, maybe for almost a year!

Number cakes

Here is the number "21" for a 21st birthday party. The cake was made to match the invitation, which I lost and I had to go from memory. My customer had no idea when I finally told her (about a year later)!

Wedding/Baby shower cake

This is a cake done for a baby shower made to feed about 124 people. Again Swiss meringue buttercreas was used here.

Ruben Studdard remake

Pictured here is a replica of Ruben Studdard's wedding cake. Done in three flavors with Swiss meringue buttercream and feeds about 176 people.

Cupcake bouquet

As seen here, this cupcake bouquet was made to celebrate fathers day. My cupcake bouquets come with about 17-19 mini cupcakes and are available in an unlimited amount of colors and various decorations.

Hibiscus cake

This a hibiscus cake done for a wedding shower. It serves about 66 people and it was done with Swiss meringue buttercream.

Doll cake

Here is a doll made for a little girl's 3rd birthday who attends my church. This cake serves about 50 people and it was a very delicious orange cream sicle.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Scroll cake - Where it all began

So this the cake that started it all. The event was my parent's 40th anniversary and I wanted them to have a really nice "wedding-like" cake. Not having the budget to order this from a bakery, I ventured out myself to create what I had in my head. I ended up with this fondant covered, scroll accented cake, which is how the cake decorating bug bit me.

Round fondant flower cake

Pictured here is a 14" round fondant cake that I did for my nieces birthday. It was a lot of fun to do and I was so excited to see her face at the surprise party.